“Nothing, let alone architecture, happens in a vacuum.”
Alpex Architecture is a young practice with an international education and experience. Having evolved from Alpex Architecture & Engineering we continue to practice our core values intertwined with our ambition.
As designers in architecture and construction, we recognise that our responsibility is inextricably bound to the physical and human environment. Our work is not an intervention into the built environment, but implicitly aware of its context, place and continuity within it. We consider architecture, not as a collection of materials combined in situ, but material as holding the capacity to constitute presence of space.
From masterplanning to design, from tender to construction, Alpex Architecture offers a comprehensive architectural service. Design and construction are consistently maintained in a collaboration and dialogue from the departure of a project to its conclusion. Ensuring both design and construction are simultaneously achieved to the highest of standards. Over time we have forged longstanding relationships with other professionals and collaborators – exemplified by the co-founding of Alpex Architecture – whose contributions assure we maintain our capacity to transcend the parameters of our practice.
DipArch MArch

Laura graduated in architecture from the Polytechnic of Milan, spent a year at the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris and obtained a Master in Architecture at the Bartlett School (UCL) in London. Over the course of her professional experience she worked for architects of international fame like Massimiliano Fuksas in Rome, Norman Foster and KPF (Kohn Pedersen & Fox) in London.
Laura has been working as a London based independent professional since 2009 becoming Founder and Company Director of Alpex Architecture in 2010.
In her view architecture is elemental, where light, air, stone and warmth form its components that create a quality of space essential for its experience and good living. Clear form, clean line, pure geometry and the attentive shaping of light characterise Laura’s means of arriving to successful design.

Architectural Assistant mgr inz. arch.
Oliwia Durak
Oliwia graduated in Architecture from the Rzeszów University of Technology, Poland in 2016 and is specialised in Urban Planning. She joined Alpex Architecture in 2017 and is currently working on a few private residential projects in London.
Shakera Mangera
Ahmed Afzal
Tiziano Massarutto
Francesca Palombi
Paolo Sabbadin
Roberto Zanlucchi
Katherina Bruh
Elena Rapisarda
Rosario Barreiras
Ersila Bushi
Carlotta Operti
Leire Echeverria Blanco
Mario Albar Barrio
Chiara Damiano
Laura De Lisio
Fabiana Ledda
Stefania Cozzi
Falera van Balen
Enrique Cuartero Garde
Karlijn Poos